Plants vs. Zombies is an engaging video game that has received top ratings in rankings for several decades. On this page, we have gathered the best free coloring pages inspired by the game. All images can be printed on A4 and downloaded in PDF format with just one click!
45+ New Coloring Pages for “Plants vs. Zombies” Game
Combat plants and menacing zombies
Peashooter – one of the main defenders of your home in the early stages of the game. It’s up to him to fend off the attacks of bloodthirsty zombies until you acquire stronger plants.
Football Zombie can become a truly formidable opponent. He wears a red football helmet, shoulder pads, and sports shoes with spiked soles. Such equipment allows the zombie to easily make his way through a huge crowd of combat plants.
Strawburst – a unique plant that has several growth stages. When planted, it can attack zombies with small strawberries, reloading after each shot.
Mummy Zombie – a simple zombie from Ancient Egypt. It has no protective gear or abilities, making it vulnerable to all types of attacks.
Gargantuar – a huge zombie, on whose back you can see a little zombie imp. Gargantuar often arms himself with a telephone pole, a road sign, or even a regular zombie and uses them to fight plants.
Key features of the game world:
- Players need to create their own living garden, vegetable garden, clearing, and even place pots with plants on the roof of the house, while brave little flowers must protect the family from zombie invasion!
- According to the plans of the cunning Dr. Zomboss, all people should be enslaved by the zombies he created, and the Earth will become the Planet of the Zombies!
- The scientist himself sits in a huge robot resembling a spaceship. From there, he controls his malicious creations, attacking the house near the cemetery.
- During the game, this house belongs to the player, who must save it from zombie attacks.
- Plants boldly repel enemy attacks, but they need sunlight to be active. The player collects suns, money, and prizes.
Free Plants vs. Zombies Coloring Pages
The page features characters from the beloved game and scenes with their participation. All coloring pages can be:
- Printed with one click on A4 sheets.
- Downloaded in excellent quality to your phone, laptop, PC.
- Downloaded and colored in a graphics editor.
“Plants vs. Zombies” coloring pages are a great creative activity for children. We think they will enjoy creating designs for their favorite characters according to their own preferences. An engaging activity that allows focusing attention on the artistic process – it’s quite fun!
You can simply download coloring pages from the game “Plants vs. Zombies” in PDF or print them directly from the site on A4 sheets. No difficulties, just click, download, and color with HeartColoring!
Features of Plants vs. Zombies Coloring Pages
Why will kids like such coloring pages?
It’s amazing to hold in your hands the heroes with whom you’ve spent dozens of hours. You can color them and even come up with your own original game.
What do coloring pages develop and teach?
Coloring pages develop imagination, artistic skills, fine motor skills, and color perception. Plus, coloring is really fun!
Who will be interested in the images on the page?
Coloring pages will be interesting to children from 3 years old and adults of any age. Everyone who loves the game Plants vs. Zombies and just likes to draw.
Download, print out free coloring pages based on the computer game “Plants vs. Zombies,” and have fun spending time with your favorite activity with HeartColoring!